Current Portfolio & Partnerships

This is Jamacorp

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Innovative Technology Solutions

Pioneering advancements in AI, software development, and digital platforms.

Global Impact Initiatives

Driving sustainable development and positive change across continents.

Investment in Progress

Fueling growth in real estate, gaming, and tech startups with strategic investments.

The reason we exist

Health &


We build strong public-private partnerships with government and academia to achieve universal health coverage, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.


We are committed to supporting teacher training in developing countries with our academic partners around the world. We also invest in building inclusive and effective learning environments for all.

Design &


We support in building resilient and efficient infrastructure in emerging countries that drive economic development and human well-being. We aim to integrate the latest technology to address social and environmental issues in construction projects.



We are accelerating innovation in the gaming sector, focusing on developing immersive gaming experiences and cutting-edge technology.


& Media

We aim to reduce inequalities and offer enhanced representation to creative minds globally. Our platforms are designed showcase the best talent and deliver a positive, credible message.


& Software

The core competency of our organization is developing advanced technology across all industries. Our diverse background across various industries and geographical locations allow us to learn and develop competencies rapidly.

The clients and community we serve

With over one million small businesses in Canada, only 2% succeed in becoming large and profitable. Our objective is to enhance small to medium-sized businesses in achieving growth and profitability, domestically and internationally​. Our mission, therefore, is to educate, transform and take part in the growth of Canadian entrepreneurs.


Bridge relationships with foreign investors, vendors, and global partners.


Foster a diverse and inclusive community of business leaders worldwide.


Motivate innovators and leaders to address global challenges and business solutions.


Discover innovative tech-driven solutions to meet evolving business demands.

The way we do business

Get in Touch

We have a solution wherever you are. Reach out to the experts and begin your growth journey with us.

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Sourcing can be active or passive, it involves investor’s focus, risk tolerance and expertise in the targeted geography. Sourcing collect date sets of investments that is measured using weighting method.

This process starts by signing NDA to allow exchange of Financial, operational and social historical information to be analyzed using Bottom up analysis.

Next step to find the suitable Valuation method to be proceed with the negotiation

The goal of the investor is to conduct an operational and business diligence once the term sheet has been signed and all precedent conditions have been met. This process may take weeks to months.

At this stage, the legal due diligence is crafted to protect each parties’ rights. Once the investment is executed, binding corporate documentation is drafted and finalized.

Last step that evolve the monitoring of the investment and creating value to the business. Once the business reach growth and sustained, exit options needs to be evaluated and considered.

A Small Team Having a Vast Experience

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Team member

Marko Veber

Software Development
Marco has long worked in the field of information technology. He is responsible for developing the platform and manages the creation of a mobile application and CRX Wallet.
Team member

Claire Warner

Financial Consultant
Claire has long worked in the field of information technology. She is responsible for developing the platform and manages the creation of a mobile application and CRX Wallet.
Team member

Robert Parks

Robert has long worked in the field of information technology. He is responsible for developing the platform and manages the creation of a mobile application and CRX Wallet.

latest news and events

August 10, 2018

Get a BitCoin Wallet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient monte, nases ridi culu …

August 10, 2018

The First Edge ICO

Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient monte, nases ridi culu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit …

August 10, 2018

Is crypto stable?

Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque amet penatibus et magnis dis parturient monte, nases ridi culu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, elit consectetuer adipiscing. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor …